Friday 23 August 2013

Who are we?

Hi, my name is Akash. Akash Ahire. I am sixteen and pursuing my junior college in commerce. I am part of Akanksha Foundation’s Service Learning Program (SLP). I am currently in the 8th batch of the program. Last month I interned with Pratham Council of Vulnerable Children (PCVC), an organization that works for children in labour. My experiences during my internship motivated me to pursue my self-project, which is an action-based project we have to undertake in SLP, in this subject. I plan to make an educational documentary to create awareness about this issue in my city in order to seek more support from you all, the readers and your friends, for the children stuck in labour.

Hello! I am Akash too! Akash Gaikwad. I am as old as Akash and pursuing similar education. I interned with Pratham IGNOU Community College in the month of May to understand the status of quality education in my country. I have joined Akash to do my self-project. This is an opportunity for me to understand this issue, my own self and my role in the future.

In this blog we hope to publish some of the stories of children to spread awareness about our responsibility. We hope you all will support us in this cause.

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