Monday 23 September 2013

The Garage Boy

The boy grew up in a poor and violent home. He told us that “his father would always spend his salary in alcohol”. After drinking alcohol father of the child would beat him and his mother because of this problem child stared working in the age of thirteen. He repairs small parts of car in garage.

He had left his school while he was studying in 3rd STD. The word responsibility means to him is to take care of him.
 He was unable to answer that what are his parent’s responsibility towards him.
 He was also unable to answer two general knowledge questions like who is prime minister of India and what are child rights and human rights?

After listening to him we thought why do some people drink so much which after that they become mad and start hitting their wife or children .Do alcohol is need of human?

Then why to spend so much money on alcohol? Alcohol kills people. People should think before drinking alcohol that if they will die who will take care of their family? Are they leaving their responsibility incomplete or not? What do you think? 

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