Sunday 15 September 2013

Fisher Boy

Today’s story is about a boy who catches fishes and sells It. The boy may be 12 years old. Before going to him and take his interview, we were scared because the boy worked very close to our area and there were also some people from our community who sell fish. We both thought what they will think about us but my friend Akash ahire said in a courageously “chal ek bar try toh karte hai”.

The boy was working with his friend. He was in a joky mood.  We went towards him and tried to communicate with him. The boy told us that he catches fish and sells for whole day.

He also told us that he had studied till 5th STD. One of the reasons he gave
Why he works is that because his mother is ill for long time and father always spends money in drinking. For him responsibility means to take care of his parents and earn money. He told us that he worked for his mother. For him parent’s responsibility is to take care of his child but it did not happened .His father never goes to work and he drinks alcohol from his son salary. When we asked about his dream he told that “nothing can  happened“. He was not able answer our general knowledge question is prime minister of India? And what are child rights and human rights?

   The boy was just 12 years old and in this age where he should play and have fun but he was playing with his life. We also think that here his right was affected because of his father who had passed his responsibility for his own benefit without thinking about his son's future and his responsibility towards him. Why today he/she using his power in a wrong way? why today it has become difficulty for an individual to take his own responsibility? why? I think that irresponsibility leads to child labor. Think on it.

                                                 STOP CHILD LABOR
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